About the Artist

Jens-Flemming Sørensen

Jens-Flemming Sørensen was born in Copenhagen in 1933 and died in Pietrasanta, Italy in 2017. He trained as a tailor. From 1961 to 1962 he took night courses. He pursued sculpture professional as an autodidact, and in 1987 moved to Pietrasanta, close to the Carrara marble quarries. He was also a member of the Grønningen artists cooperative.

Several prominent cultural institutions have honored Jens-Flemming Sørensen. Among others, the Danish State Art Foundation's 3-year grant (1968 and 1972); The New Carlsberg Foundation's Romer Stipendium (1968); Eckersberg's Medal (1972); the National Bank's Jubileum's Fund (1983) and the Prix de la Sculptures, Cannes (1996).

From 1967 Jens-Flemming Sørensen participated in many exhibitions both in Denmark and abroad. His sculptures grace public and private grounds throughout Denmark.

Sculptures by Jens-Flemming Sørensen:




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